** Register and Activate
* Activate
## De-Register (and Deactivate)
# Deactivate
*# Check Status.
--> Call waiting
--> Activate call waiting *43*#
--> Deactivate call waiting #43##
--> Check status of call waiting *#43#
--> CLIR: Presentation of one's own number to the to the called party
--> Activate CLIR **31#
--> Activate CLIR for the actual call *31#number
--> Deactivate CLIR ##31#
--> Deactivate CLIR for the actual call #31#number
--> Check status of CLIR *#31#
--> Change call barring code **03*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#
--> Change call barring code **03*330*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#
--> Change PIN code **04*OldPIN*NewPIN*NewPIN#
--> De-register all call diversions ##002#
--> Activate unconditionally divert all calls *21#
--> De-register unconditionally divert all calls ##21#
--> Deactivate unconditionally divert all calls #21#
--> Check status of unconditionally divert all calls *#21#
--> Divert on no answer to number and activate **61*number#
--> Activate divert on no answer *61#
--> De-register divert on no answer ##61#
--> Deactivate divert on no answer #61#
--> Check status of divert on no answer *#61#
--> Divert on not reachable to number and activate **62*number#
--> Activate divert on not reachable *62#
--> De-register divert on not reachable ##62#
--> Deactivate divert on not reachable #62#
--> Check status of divert on not reachable *#62#
--> Divert on busy to number and activate **67*number#
--> Activate divert on busy *67#
--> De-register divert on busy ##67#
--> Deactivate divert on busy #67#
--> Check status of divert on busy *#67#
--> Check status of barr all outgoing calls *#33#
--> Activate barr all calls **330*code#
--> Deactivate barr all calls #330*code#
--> Check status of barr all calls *#330*code#
--> Activate barr all outgoing calls **333*code#
--> Deactivate barr all outgoing calls #333*code#
--> Check status of barr all outgoing calls *#333#
--> Activate barr all incoming calls **35*code#
--> Deactivate barr all incoming calls #35*code#
--> Check status of barr all incoming calls *#35#
-->Activate barr all incoming calls when roaming **351*code#
-->Deactivate barr all incoming calls when roaming #351*code#
-->Check status of barr all incoming calls when roaming *#351#
-->Activate barr all incoming calls **353*code#
-->Deactivate barr all incoming calls #353*code#
-->Check status of barr all incoming calls *#353#
* Activate
## De-Register (and Deactivate)
# Deactivate
*# Check Status.
--> Call waiting
--> Activate call waiting *43*#
--> Deactivate call waiting #43##
--> Check status of call waiting *#43#
--> CLIR: Presentation of one's own number to the to the called party
--> Activate CLIR **31#
--> Activate CLIR for the actual call *31#number
--> Deactivate CLIR ##31#
--> Deactivate CLIR for the actual call #31#number
--> Check status of CLIR *#31#
--> Change call barring code **03*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#
--> Change call barring code **03*330*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#
--> Change PIN code **04*OldPIN*NewPIN*NewPIN#
--> De-register all call diversions ##002#
--> Activate unconditionally divert all calls *21#
--> De-register unconditionally divert all calls ##21#
--> Deactivate unconditionally divert all calls #21#
--> Check status of unconditionally divert all calls *#21#
--> Divert on no answer to number and activate **61*number#
--> Activate divert on no answer *61#
--> De-register divert on no answer ##61#
--> Deactivate divert on no answer #61#
--> Check status of divert on no answer *#61#
--> Divert on not reachable to number and activate **62*number#
--> Activate divert on not reachable *62#
--> De-register divert on not reachable ##62#
--> Deactivate divert on not reachable #62#
--> Check status of divert on not reachable *#62#
--> Divert on busy to number and activate **67*number#
--> Activate divert on busy *67#
--> De-register divert on busy ##67#
--> Deactivate divert on busy #67#
--> Check status of divert on busy *#67#
--> Check status of barr all outgoing calls *#33#
--> Activate barr all calls **330*code#
--> Deactivate barr all calls #330*code#
--> Check status of barr all calls *#330*code#
--> Activate barr all outgoing calls **333*code#
--> Deactivate barr all outgoing calls #333*code#
--> Check status of barr all outgoing calls *#333#
--> Activate barr all incoming calls **35*code#
--> Deactivate barr all incoming calls #35*code#
--> Check status of barr all incoming calls *#35#
-->Activate barr all incoming calls when roaming **351*code#
-->Deactivate barr all incoming calls when roaming #351*code#
-->Check status of barr all incoming calls when roaming *#351#
-->Activate barr all incoming calls **353*code#
-->Deactivate barr all incoming calls #353*code#
-->Check status of barr all incoming calls *#353#
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